Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A Quick Review

Now that the 2012 campaign to unseat America's First Kenyan Communist President is completely underway, I thought now would be great time to review the basics of Conservatism. For some, this is old hat and I apologize for boring you half to death. For others, (and you know who you are) this is what an actual Conservative thinks and believes. (Those of you who fall into the latter category, I believe it will behoove you to take notes. You might learn something.)

A Conservative knows:

  • the US Constitution means exactly what it says. The Constitution isn't "living and breathing" and it is a charter of "negative liberties", meaning that Constitution does not limit what the individual can do, it limits what government may do to the individual and states.
  • freedom without individual liberty is impossible.
  • All Americans have the rights laid out by the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights. Nothing less is needed. Nothing more is needed. Government didn't grant us these rights, our Creator endowed them upon us. A Conservative also knows that since our rights come from our Creator, they can't be taken away by man.
  • The United States is a sovereign country that has the right to act as it sees fit on the world stage. A Conservative doesn't believe that the United States has the responsibility to be the world's policeman, but it reserves the right to defend itself from foreign enemies in any way it chooses. A Conservative believes that the United States may ally itself with any other nation and must live up to its treaties. A Conservative also believes that foreign nationals should have no say in American foreign policy.
  • the US economy must be free of the shackles of excessive government for two main reasons. The first reason is govenrment can only harm the national economy and the second reason is excessive government leads to crony capitalism, which is the anathema of the free market the Founders envisioned.
  • human life begins at conception. There is no Constitutional right to murder the unborn.
  • The Founders did not intend for the First Amendment to limit religion. The First Amendment was written to protect religion from the intrigues of government.
  • the United States was founded as a Judeo-Christian nation with Judeo-Christian values. It wasn't founded as a secular nation by any stretch of the imagination.
  • illegal aliens are criminals and should be treated as such.
  • that all attempts to legitimize the homosexual lifestyle are poorly designed social experiments at best and fascist powergrabs at worst.
  • the redistribution of wealth is wrong on many fronts. The government should have no say in who has what in legally gained property or wealth.
  • the Second Amendment is in place not only to protect one's self from criminals, but also to protect the individual from tyranny, from either invasion or the govenment.
  • the government should be slashed back to its Constitutional limits. Too much of the bloated federal bureaucracy is unaffected by elections and is blatantly unconstitutional.

The above is not an ideology. It's not like the Marxism Chairman Obama espouses.There's nothing radical about it. It isn't "fringe" lunacy. This is common sense. The grand majority of Americans believe this, even if they can't articulate it or are afraid to articulate it. The above is also non-negotiable. I won't vote for someone to be dog catcher, let alone President of the United States if that individual disgarees with any of the above. In other words, folks like Myth Romney, Slick Rick Perry, and Jon Huntsman (whoever he is) have irrevocably lost my support and will not, under any circumstances, gain it in the Republican Primary. If Krispy Kreme Christie (H/T Mark Levin) waddles into the fray, he won't get my support either.

Then, there's MoRon Paul.

Not only will I not support Dr. Detestable, I will actively campaign against him. Among all of the Republican candidates, he violates the most of the above stated principles. RuPaul (again, H/T Mark Levin) has stated that 9/11 was America's fault. He disagreed with the elimination of Osama Bin Laden.  He has voted for the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell".He has made it clear that he despises Israel (on Islamo-Nazi Iran's state run television, no less). He has shown support for the abortion pill, RU-486. One of Ron Paul's mentors, Murray Rothbard, was an anarchist. Paul's svengali, Lew Rockwell, is also an anarchist. Thomas Woods, Paul's pet professor, advocates reinstituting the Articles of Confederation. The Reverend Wright of the Republican Party has considered placing psychotic leftist Dennis Kucinich is his Cabinet. To top it all off, the Bizzare One was the 2009 Earmark King, out earmarking liberal giants like Nazi Pelosi, Pete Starke Naked, and Bawney Fwank. Ron Paul is to Conservative like kitten is to 3-4 run-stopping nosetackle. I'd rather go swimming in a pool full of sharks while wearing a hamburger Speedo than support him in the upcoming primary.

I won't and never will tell you who to vote for in this column. You're an intelligent person and you need no help from me. I will, however, tell you how to vote.

Vote Conservative.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Dr. Detestable

There are a lot of things to detest Ron Paul for. He's gotten an endorsement from the $oros-funded Code Pinko. He's a hero to neo-Nazi organizations like Stormfront. He believes in Murray Rothbard's "anarcho-capitalism" nonsense. He's the Pork King of 2009, out earmarking leftist giants like Steny Hoyer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barney Fwank. Needless to say, there isn't a sewer Ron Paul isn't too proud to hunt for food in.

But it gets worse.

Ron Paul thinks America deserved the horror that was 9/11.

From the


“I don’t see Islam as our enemy,' [Ru]Paul said. 'I see that motivation is occupation and those who hate us and would like to kill us, they are motivated by our invasion of their land, the support of their dictators that they hate.'

Regarding 9/11, Paul said that attacks against the U.S. from Middle Eastern groups at home and abroad can be traced to the foreign presence of U.S. troops, as well as America’s relationships with dictator regimes.
Paul referred to a military base in Saudi Arabia, the birthplace of Islam, as a key motivator in the Sept. 11th attacks. Osama bin Laden viewed it as an American desecration of holy land.

'After 9/11, (people said) ‘Oh yeah, it’s those very bad people who hate us,’ but 15 of (the hijackers) came from Saudi Arabia,” said Paul. “One of the reasons they attacked us, is we propped up this Sharia government and the fundamentalists hated us for it.'

The congressman particularly decried U.S.-led bombings in foreign nations, saying that 'almost always those individuals that they are trying to kill did not have any direct relationship' with threats to the U.S."


So in other words, Dr. Detestable thinks that the Islamo-Nazis in the Middle East should steer the foreign policy of the United States.

Let's get a few things clear. There are many parts of American foreign policy I don't agree with. For example, I am firmly against Chairman Obama's Libyan Misadventure. (I still have no idea why we're involved or why we're footing the bill.) I am also firmly against giving any sort of aid to the new Muslim Brotherhood fascist regime in Egypt. I wasn't a big fan of sending troops to Haiti in the middle of two wars for disaster relief, nor was I particularly thrilled with sending troops to Bosnia. To me, these are nothing but foreign policy boondoggles at best, and socialism at the very worst, since it involves the redistribution of wealth from the United States to places that either hate us or have been money pits. I also don't believe in "spreading democracy". I think we should fight wars to win them, not recreate societies. Not one taxpayer penny should go to rebuilding Iraq or Trashcanistan. Personally, I could care less if Iraq or Trashcanistan  ever become functioning democracies. It's none of my business nor is it my problem. The taxpayer shouldn't be on the hook for nonsense like that.

However, despite what Dr. Detestable thinks, these are decisions that We the People get make with our votes. They the Islamo-Nazis don't have a say in the matter. We can't allow ourselves to be bullied by these raving lunatics. In order to survive, the United States must have free reign to do what is in its best interests. If that means going against the UN (which we should not be a member of), so be it. If that means Ali Kaboom gets upset by it, too bad. The United States is a sovereign nation that has the right to do what it sees fit to protect itself and its people.

Freedom isn't free, folks......

Reverend Jeremiah RuPaul

If you're still on the fence about the lunatic fraud known as Ron Paul, watch these three videos in order.

I rest my case. Hat Tip: Mark Levin